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Moderation Commands

Compass has a few commands that can be used to moderate your server.
These commands are only available to users with roles set via the / set mod_roles command.

Chat commands (mod only)
Command Arguments Description
;sendembed channel, embed fields Send an embed to a channel
;lastmessage user (id or mention) Get the last message from a user (if you have /set track_activity to true)
Slash Commands (mod only)
Command Arguments Description
send message, channel (optional) Send a message to a channel
Example usage: `;send "Some kinda message" #some-channel
dm user, message Send a message to a user
moveto - channel: Destination channel
- message id: Message to be moved
Move a message to a specific channel
purge number Deletes the specified number of message from the current channel
giverole user, role, duration (in seconds) Give a role to a user, optionally for a duration
removerole user, role, duration (in seconds) Remove a role from a user, optionally for a duration
getmodroles Get a list of the guild's mod roles.
checkroles Check for any users missing one of your server's required roles (if set)
checkinactive number of days Check for inactive users (haven't sent a message in the last number of days), if you have /set track_activity to true
Mod reactions
Reaction Description
🔍:mag: When a mod reacts to a message with 🔍(:mag:) the messages is flagged and a log is sent to the logs channel
Note: requires that a logs channel be set